Base Series Property Examples
Properties Demonstrated
- Standard Base Series Properties
Desired Result
Default Base Series Settings
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Properties Demonstrated
- autosort
- color
- hint_string
Desired Result
This chart will draw in red, and not automatically sort its data. It will also show a custom hint string.
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Properties Demonstrated
- x_axis
- x_axis_formatter
- y_axis
- y_axis_formatter
Desired Result
This chart will use the top and right axis, and force 2 decimal places in both the X and Y values in the hint.
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Properties Demonstrated
- coloredLegend
- title
- visible
Desired Result
This chart will give its series a custom title, and will start off invisible, and will not use the series color in the legend title.
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Properties Demonstrated
- lineOpacity
- lineWidth
- legendIsVisible
Desired Result
This chart will have a thick, 50% transparent line, and not appear in the legend.
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Properties Demonstrated
- delayLoad
Desired Result
This chart will load all of its series as they are created, and not delay their loads.
Source Code
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