Base Axis Property Examples
Properties Demonstrated
- Standard Axis Properties
Desired Result
Default Axis Settings
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Properties Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.caption
- axis_bottom.caption_class
- axis_bottom.size
This chart will extend it's bottom axis to be 40 pixels, apply a custom class to the caption, and change the caption text.
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Properties Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.border
- axis_bottom.color
- axis_bottom.zero_plane
Desired Result
This chart will change the color of the bottom axis' major ticks to green, apply a red border, and a thick, black zero plane at X=1.
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Properties Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.color
- axis_bottom.crosshair
- axis_bottom.cursor_position
This chart will have a red border, and will show a red crosshair and marker at the cursor position.
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Events Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.extremes_ticks
- axis_bottom.formatter
- axis_bottom.hint_caption
Desired Result
This chart will force the bottom axis' extremes to the next tick mark, apply a formatter to show 2 decimals, and change the caption in the hint.
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Properties Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.major_ticks
- axis_bottom.minor_ticks
This chart will show custom major- and minor-ticks.
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Events Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.visible
Desired Result
This chart will hide the bottom axis.
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Properties Demonstrated
- axis_bottom.force_static_points
- axis_bottom.label_class
- axis_bottom.stagger_ticks
This chart will not stagger the ticks on the bottom axis, even though there is room, and will turn the X points into bins.
Source Code
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