Changes in version 1.3



Added AreaSeries.closeLine property which determines if the line should return to the zero plane and draw as a closed shape.
Added PieSeries.findCenterOfCurve(point) method
Added support for SVG exporting




Modified axis to write out ticks and labels less often
Line and scatter series are now split into smaller draws in order to support larger data sets in IE
BarSeries point selection now accounts for proximity_snap setting and the bar's line width
Added support for text labels (bins) to TrendSeries


Bug Fixes


Updated color conversion routine to fix issues in IE
Added additional logic to ajax data handlers to prevent double loading
Corrected resize issue in IE which could cause an 'Invalid Argument' error        
Updated extremes calculations to correct issues with negative numbers
getYExtremes() now correctly returns the y axis extremes
Added additional offset checks in point location routines to account for quirks mode in various browsers
Fixed issues with xml data handler and processing string values
PieSeries data points now correctly save and display their labels if defined
Corrected drawing issues in BarSeries with negative numbers
Fixed BarSeries drawing in IE with a large number of points
Corrected BarSeries draw in IE to close the bar line
Updated PieSeries to reset its available colors correctly when reloading