Changes in version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1


New Features


Added Series.getPadding, Series.setPadding methods
Added Series.padding property
Added Chart.legend_state (normal, minimized)
Added Chart.legendMinimize, Chart.legendRestore, Chart.getLegendState methods
Added ignoreBounds parameter to Axis.pointToPixel


Bug Fixes


BarSeries / FloatingBarSeries - Fixed dimension calculation which caused bars to be missed if the mouse was close to an axis
BarSeries / FloatingBarSeries - Updated point location / distance to return exact matches when the mouse is within a bar
Fixed issue with chart files when in a directory named ejschart_
Corrected issue with axis.force_static_points and cursor position
Corrected issue with legend icons causing non-secure warning in https session
Added catch to all try/finally statements to account for IE bug
Corrected adjustment to so that crosshairs position exactly under the cursor                                        
Renamed variable int to interval to correct Safari 2 parse issue
Updated default series padding to account for axis assignment
Corrected issue with horizontal bars not drawing when rendered 1 pixel wide


Documentation Updates


Added documentation for META tag options
Added documentation for Series.findClosestByPoint and Series.findClosestByPixel