Emprise Corporation is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Emprise JavaScript Charts v2.2.0
To download this update, please log into your account at
http://customer.ejschart.com/This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements:
1. New Features - Added a public method to return an array of series in the chart
- Added support for context menu
- Added onBeforeDrawSeries and onAfterDrawSeries events
- Added support for BarSeries points with NULL for Y data
- Added support for LineSeries and ScatterSeries points with NULL for Y data
- Added support for individual grid line and tick styles via the OnNeedsTicks event
- Added support for asterisk and plus styles in the ScatterSeries
2. Bug Fixes - Fixed issues with all series reloading data
- Fixed support for AnalogGaugeSeries to use x_axis_formatter to format its ticks
- Fixed issues with charts not displaying in IE when inside a TABLE
- Fixed issues with the NumberFormatter not formatting text correctly
- Fixed issues with the LineSeries and AreaSeries not drawing correctly when zoomed in
- Fixed issues with multiple BarSeries not spacing themselves correctly when the base axis data is dates
- Fixed zooming issues with LogarithmicAxis
- Fixed zooming issues with LinearAxis
- Fixed issues in IE with hiding a chart with a container with a border
- Fixed issues with BarSeries ranges
- Fixed issues with removing BarSeries and PieSeries
- Fixed default hint string for PieSeries
- Fixed issues with point selection with BarSeries and FloatingBarSeries (using distance)
- Fixed issues with hint data for StackedBarSeries
- Fixed issues with VML sometimes not showing up in IE8 in STRICT mode
- Fixed issues with exporting SVG when no axes are being used
- Fixed issues with hint pointer z-index
- Fixed default hint texts for AreaSeries, ScatterSeries, PieSeries, and TrendSeries
- Fixed issues with unselecting point before hiding a series
Best Regards,
The Emprise JavaScript Charts Team