Changes in version 2.2

Version 2.2


New Features


Added a public method to return an array of series in the chart
Added support for context menu
Added onBeforeDrawSeries and onAfterDrawSeries events
Added support for BarSeries points with NULL for Y data
Added support for LineSeries and ScatterSeries points with NULL for Y data
Added support for individual grid line and tick styles via the OnNeedsTicks event


Bug Fixes


Fixed issues with all series reloading data
Fixed support for AnalogGaugeSeries to use x_axis_formatter to format it's ticks
Fixed issues with charts not displaying in IE when inside a TABLE
Fixed issues with the NumberFormatter not formatting text correctly
Fixed issues with the LineSeries and AreaSeries not drawing correctly when zoomed in
Fixed issues with multiple BarSeries not spacing themselves correctly when the base axis data is dates
Fixed zooming issues with LogarithmicAxis
Fixed zooming issues with LinearAxis
Fixed issues in IE with hiding a chart with a container with a border
Fixed issues with BarSeries ranges
Fixed issues with removing BarSeries and PieSeries
Fixed default hint string for PieSeries
Fixed issues with point selection with BarSeries and FloatingBarSeries (using distance)
Fixed issues with hint data for StackedBarSeries
Fixed issues with VML sometimes not showing up in IE8 in STRICT mode
Fixed issues with exporting SVG when no axes are being used
Fixed issues with hint pointer z-index
Fixed default hint texts for AreaSeries, ScatterSeries, PieSeries, and TrendSeries
Fixed issues with unselecting point before hiding a series
Fixed issue with stock series when open or close attributes were null